The immense loss of our long time former Chairman Peter Corfield cannot be emphasised enough. Peter Corfield, MBE, WAS the League of Friends of Ludlow Hospital.

His dedication and knowledge of his work and the Hospital, was incomparable.

Peter knew as much, if not more, about the local NHS than those who are employed in it.

Peter Corfield, MBE

Some years ago he led the successful fight to save our Hospital when its existence was threatened with closure. He recognised how vital and essential our Hospital is to our community.

Against some local opposition he led the move to acquire land and to plan the building of a new hospital to which the League was to contribute, and play a major role.

Sadly the plan was abandoned at the 11th hour by the Shropshire Health Authority.

My lasting hope is that while that land remains with the NHS that Peter’s dream may still come to fruition for a new and modern hospital which is now needed more than ever.

Michael Evans